www.camilla-ueberschaer.de . Copyright © 2010 Camilla Ueberschaer. All rights reserved.
Camilla Ueberschaer at the pub mistress was great! OPERNWELT
Donald McIntyre, Camilla Ueberschaer and Kenneth Garrison gave equally masterful performances, indeed, these roles were practically too-well cast SUDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG
Sparkling Peter Grimes performance in Genoa. .. All of the singers were exceptional: Camilla Ueberschaer (Auntie) ... OPERNGLAS
Camilla Ueberschaer is likewise - without resorting to any distortions or exaggerations - the corrupt Herrodias, with such mastery of her dramatic mezzo-soprano voice as to freely fill the expanses of the hall. HESSEN-NASSAUISCHE ALLGEMEINE
Camilla Ueberschaer, a singer that only recently made the transition from alto to dramatic-mezzo-soprano repertoire, proved with this performance in this role that she is on the right track. She understands that in order to correctly portray the role of Herodias she must be the exact counterpart to Salome in their drawn conflict. Her acting never appeared exaggerated. Her vocal performance was as convincing in its satiny voluminous depths as in its brilliant upper register. DIE OPERNZEITUNG
Camilla Ueberschaer passionately performed the role of Herodias. ... Camilla Ueberschaer, incidentally suggesting a Wagnerian potential, conveyed the part impressively. BELCANTO
One was force to take notice of Camilla Ueberschaer’s vocally dominant Fricka. MAIN POST
In the cast of singers, there were two exceptional standout performers - Camilla Ueberschaer as Wotan’s wife Fricka ... She offered a Fricka of uncommon attractiveness, and in her debut in this role, she was in top vocal form. This singer is the possessor of a voice of highly interesting timbre, capable of expanding to the role’s most dramatic reaches, to which she luckily is able to bring a talent for acting, which allows a symbiosis of the role entrusted to her with her singing-expression. Her masterful presentation of Fricka meets the roles demands perfectly - her voice is neither too metallic, nor too lyric - it is simply a fully mature dramatic mezzo-soprano, ready to take on the new potentials and possibilities available to her in this repertoire. DIE OPERNZEITUNG
Camilla Ueberschaer - the ascending star in the Wagner heavens - has proven herself capable of further developing the embodiment of her role since her already thrilling debut last year. While the Rheingold Fricka developed further detail and focus, her Walküre performance fascinates through her intelligent, through-conceived and sublime performance, all without any apparent vocal problems or limits. One can only hope that this singer will be given in the future such repertoire with which to prove her substantial ability. DIE OPERNZEITUNG
Among the Rhine-Maidens Camilla Ueberschaer was a standout, giving her role of Wellgunde significance and independent stature. ORPHEU
International Music Festival Bath: Each of the eight singers was a star in their own right. A mezzo-soprano of depth and tonal texture in Camilla Ueberschaer (...) stole the honors for me." THE BATH CHRONICLE
It mustn’t always be Bayreuth .. With a fresh, in every range well managed and equalized voice, performing with perfect style, and acting in a fashion worthy of the State Drama House, Camilla Ueberschaer again proved her talent. DIE OPERNZEITUNG
„(...) mit Camilla Ueberschaer ein wirklich bewunderswertes Nornen-Trio. Isabel Monar, Marina Rodriguez und Camilla Ueberschaer als Rheintöchter ergaben einen angemessenen Kontrapunkt zum verwandelten Siegfried in der ersten Szene des dritten Aktes."
As his wife, Camilla Ueberschaer offered a performance which was both dramatically and vocally convincing. Her voice carries well, and has above all else great color and character in its deepest reaches. OPERNWELT
The second, so tragically separated pair of lovers, was able - due to the last minute addition to the cast of “discovery” Camilla Ueberschaer to present an eerily successful Intermezzo. NEUES VOLKSBLATT